
Book a Reading with Seven

A San Diego-based student astrologer, Seven intuitively interprets astrological charts in hopes to encourage personal empowerment and transformative healing in their clients. Consultations will be based in Placidus House System using a blend of traditional and modern techniques.

Their studies of astrology began in 2014 alongside their family. Presently, Seven is perusing the Hellenistic astrology course at the Astrology School with Chris Brennan. In addition to their studies, they are attending the Hellenistic Time Lords Retreat with Demetra George in summer 2024. Alongside their passion for astrology, Seven holds nine certificates in CADD Engineering and 3D Modeling. With a commitment to depth, genuineness, and integrity, Seven values the heart-opening process and deep connection with clients that spiritual counseling offers.

Seven believes in the universal right to insight and guidance from the stars.
For ‘pay what you wish’ or trade readings,
please contact Seven at
No questions asked.

What is a consultation like?

Readings are 75 minutes via Zoom. The session begins with an overview of your astrological influences, followed by a deep dive into areas of particular interest to you, be it current transits, career, or personal growth!

Seven encourages interactive engagement, inviting you to ask questions and share your personal thoughts in the consultation process. After the session, you will be allowed two follow-up questions via email, redeemable anytime.

How can I align more closely with my spiritual path?

Are there any significant transits or planetary movements I should be aware of in the coming months?

What does my year look like ahead?

When is a favorable time for money?

What karmic lessons or spiritual insights?

How can I align more closely with my spiritual path? ✧ Are there any significant transits or planetary movements I should be aware of in the coming months? ✧ What does my year look like ahead? ✧ When is a favorable time for money? ✧ What karmic lessons or spiritual insights?

My Third Eye Smiling with Gratitude

Terms & Conditions

By booking a consultation, you acknowledge that our services are for entertainment purposes only and should not replace professional, legal, financial, or medical advice. Appointments missed or rescheduled less than 24 hours in advance incur a fee of half the consultation cost. Cancellations are free up to 7 days before the appointment; afterwards, a cancellation fee of half the consultation cost applies. We allow a 15-minute grace period for late arrivals before considering it a no-show, after which the appointment is deemed missed, and a re-booking fee applies. By using our services, you agree to these terms, ensuring a clear understanding of our practices and maintaining a respectful commitment to our scheduled sessions.